There are a number of ways to make an appointment at Spur Counseling. You can email us at contact@spurcounseling.com or fill out a contact form. Please let us know your name, contact information, and a short description about why you are interested in therapy and we will return your inquiry within 48 hours during the business week.

Spur Counseling offers affordable therapeutic services. All fees are based on a 50 minute session. Cash, checks, and credit cards (HSA and FSA also) are all acceptable methods of payment. Payment is due when services are rendered.

Per the No Surprises Act, if you do not intend to submit to insurance for possible Out of Network reimbursement, you are entitled to a Good Faith Estimate. You decide the length and frequency of sessions and I do not bill. A Good Faith Estimate will outline the projected cost of therapy at my rate for up to one year. More details will be provided prior to you beginning therapy. For more information, see CMS.

If you need to cancel an appointment, please notify your therapist 24 hours prior to your therapy session in order to avoid being charged for the missed appointment. This can be done by contacting your therapist directly by either phone or email.

Spur Counseling is not currently in-network with any insurance plans. Each plan is different, however, and you may be eligible for reimbursement of a portion of your fees directly from your insurer. We can provide a statement for you to submit for reimbursement.

Spur means to move to action or to accelerate growth and development. It was the perfect metaphor for what counseling can be!

No, but I have tissues just in case you do!

Calming atmosphere
for all of your thoughts